Thursday, January 2, 2014

If you have ever joined Lighthouse Mission Missionaries hand out food during any of our daily street outreaches you would have heard the gospel of Jesus clearly & simply preached. You would have also seen people pray for people waiting on the line for food. You may have asked yourself the number 1 question Christians always ask us "Why is it that so many people seem to have authentically given their lives to Jesus right there on the street"? The answer is simple: we want nothing from them, we have no collection every week, we show up every week same time & same place, we don't ask them any questions, pastors & ministers are personally available to speak with everyone at each outreach, We don't care if they are legal or illegal, black, white, hispanic, purple..., we don't care if you are Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, or any kind of -ist..., if you are poor or rich, straight or gay, democratic or republican, how you are dressed, if you are drunk or high on drugs, etc.. We simply follow the example of Jesus: we go to them, suffer in the weather with them, cloth them, feed them, cry with them, pray for them & most importantly NEVER ever compromise the gospel of Jesus to them. Jesus said He is the way the truth & the life & no man or woman can ever see Heaven or God unless they repent of their sins & invite Jesus into their lives & choose on their own to follow Him. When that message is shared by someone who constantly demonstrates the love of Jesus to them & clearly cares about them..... They listen & lives are radically changed.
It's how Jesus did church & Lighthouse is simply trying to follow His beautiful example...
Please pray about financially supporting & getting on board with us this new year.
I can't wait to see what God is going to do this new year!

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