Friday, January 31, 2014

A news reporter who has been researching all of the lighthouse mission Facebook posts & watching all of our videos & tv interviews and learned about pastor Jim's personal testimonial about how he gave up a very lucrative business to follow Jesus tracked down pastor jim this afternoon at a lighthouse mission street outreach and asked him this question "why would you spend all of your time, give up a successful business, become poor to stand in the cold and serve people who you don't even know"? I think your crazy... pastor jim replied:
"Everyone matters to God, that's why He sacrificed His son Jesus- so that means they matter to me"
The reporter literally began to cry & prayed to accept Jesus right there on the street.
The Kingdom of God is on the move!
Long lines of hungry & hurting long islanders standing in the cold hoping for some much needed groceries from God through His Lighthouse Mission.. It's so exciting to watch God expand what little we have to meet every need. Best if all, each person has the opportunity to invite Jesus into their lives. It's never about the food it's always about Jesus.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

It was freezing cold outside today during Lighthouse Mission daily street outreaches where hundreds of people stood in line waiting for food.. We were blessed to be able to get out hats gloves and coats to people in need. In this photo this little girl who waited in the cold with her mom for food was blessed to receive a hat, coat and gloves from Jesus. Look at her smile- she was literally shivering only moments before. 
Blessing to watch Lighthouse Missionaries speak Jesus  to the lives of the high school kids who attend Lighthouse Missions IGNITE program.. Considering the gang, violence and poverty challenged area these kids come from, how cool is it that they choose Jesus over drugs, gangs & hanging on the streets? God is so amazing! 
"What makes Lighthouse Mission different from other secular food pantries"? Is a popular question we receive.. The answer is in this photo taken yesterday at a lighthouse mission street outreach: unlike many-many other places Lighthouse Mission shares the gospel of Jesus with everyone we encounter which is most important and our primary focus in all that we do.
Second, you and in this photos case your children will have the opportunity to actually be the hands of Jesus. You will put food into the hands of our hurting & hungry Long Island neighbors.
It's a totally different experience to look into someone's eyes and tell them "Jesus loves you" as you hand them food then working in some remote warehouse or kitchen somewhere, never to engage people & certainly not allowed to talk about Jesus.. Thank you to everyone whom God uses to make it possible for us to reach hurting people for the Kingdom of God.
"True & lasting religion in the sight of God our father is this, to help the widows & orphans in need, and not to be corrupted by the world" James 1:27

Monday, January 27, 2014

Lighthouse Mission is blessed to be able to take 20 teens this weekend to Snow Camp where they will have an amazing time: fun, games, adventure, etc but best of all have an opportunity to invite Jesus into their lives. However, some of the kids need some items to be able to attend. It can get below zero outside. Can you help? we need sponsers to be able to buy snow pants, warm winter gloves & boots. God bless you!
Maybe you have been wanting to go on a "mission" trip with your church to feed & cloth under-privileged children in another country. But you don't have the thousands of dollars to spend JUST to even get there... Lighthouse Mission has a solution for you that will make a difference right HERE on Long Island for the Kingdom of God. Why not help us share the gospel of ages us and feed the poor, cloth the naked and be come a Father or Fatherless? There is a huge NEED here right here in your own back yard. All you need to do is show up.... Here is Howie one of Lighthouse Missions missionaries putting a used donated coat onto a shivering little boy waiting for food with his mother at a lighthouse daily street outreach. With 10 weekly lighthouse mission street outreaches across Suffolk county the need is not far from you own home. Would you please consider to the following: Pray-Give-Act

Friday, January 24, 2014

It's 12 degrees outside and I am scrambling to give out hats and gloves you shivering people waiting on line for food at the Lighthouse Mission Street outreaches today - nobody cares what color or size they are they are just so grateful to receive a warm hat. .. But the lines of people are so so long that I didn't have enough gloves and hats for everyone in need- Fortunately everyone was blessed with food for their families... Listening to little children crying because they are so cold waiting with their parents for food really helps put things in perspective as to how blessed some of us really are...
Will you please pray and ask God if he wants you to become a monthly financial partner to help share the gospel of Jesus and feed the poor right here on Long Island with the Lighthouse Mission"?
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" - Jesus
"Share the gospel of Jesus & use words when necessary" today lighthouse mission volunteer missionaries stood in the snow joyfully giving food to more then 100 people. Pastor jim gave away hats & gloves to nearly 60 shivering people & many prayed to invite Jesus into their lives- right there in the freezing parking lot. (We still need inexpensive dollar store gloves (stretchy kind) & hats.)
.."the kingdom of Heaven is near"- Jesus

It was terribly cold outside today & more than 100 people stood in the bitter cold waiting for food at Lighthouse Mission street outreaches .. We were blessed to give donated hats and gloves to those shivering in the cold (we need more - cheap dollar store gloves & hats) .. It was a wonderful day to see the gospel of Jesus in action. Volunteers stood in the snow- filled with the joy of The Lord serving those in need. Everyone was so grateful for the food & volunteers & no one complained. We prayed with countless people. & many gave their lives to Jesus standing in a windy parking lot in the snow.. "..The Kingdom of heaven is near."- Jesus

It is and will be very very cold all week. Thanks to everyone who helped collect coats for the Lighthouse Mission we are blessed to be able to offer them to people standing at daily street outreaches waiting for food. So many of our neighbors- do not have a good warm coat to wear. It breaks my heart to see children waiting with their parents for food shivering because they have nothing warm to wear coat... Listen, we still need hats, gloves & coats all winter long please consider donating any clothing to lighthouse mission - you could even help hand them out 
Here is a quick view of what some of the teens of the Lighthouse Mission's youth program will be experiencing in a few weeks at the Word of Life bible college's "Snow Camp" -- thank you to everyone who through your monthly financial support make it possible for Lighthouse Missionaries to take these teens from under-privilaged, high crime communities to life changing - Jesus saturated events like this. God is using YOU to literally change lives. I can't wait to see what God is going to do next!
Weekend 1 has come to a close and here is your Weekend in Review!

Lighthouse Mission is very excited to be able to bring 20 teens to Word of Life bible college's "snow camp" this year! It's three days of crazy fun excitement but best of all it's all about Jesus. There are required to make a banner and a sled made of cardboard. This is the lighthouse Mission banner the kids made. Notice the scripture they chose to put on the banner-- Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Hello everyone, unfortunately Lighthouse Missions outreach trucks are snowed in again as well as our outreach locations in Central Islip & Bellport. Therefore, we will NOT be able to have any street outreaches today. Please stay home, safe and use this time to get closer to God by praying & reading your bible. God bless you.
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Long long lines of our neighbors waiting for food at a Lighthouse Mission daily street outreach.. God is feeding more then 3200 people each week through His Lighthouse Mission. But best of all each person who receives food hears the good news of Jesus. Remember, with Lighthouse It's not about the food it's about Jesus & only Jesus. People need food but what we really need is Jesus- we always give both in abundance 

When the Lighthouse Mission street outreach truck arrived at the Riverhead street outreach location today we quickly discovered that we did NOT have enough food to give to all of these people waiting for us.. So we put out what food we had, shared the gospel of Jesus with everyone waiting and asked God to expand the food. It was a miracle, somehow more & more food kept coming out of the truck that we had to literally say enough-enough... God is still in the miracle business. We get to see it every day at the lighthouse mission. Weather it's expanding food to feed hundreds or radically changing lives that others thought were hopeless. Skeptical? We understand, sadly many people in America miss the opportunity to see miracles in their lives. They tend to trust in the government or their own wealth to provide for them- at lighthouse mission we have no place other then God to lean on... We would not want it any other way (neither would He) ... Come on down one day & see for yourself- we will get ya plugged in & your life will never be the same.
Who ever said that serving Jesus had to be boring? Pastor jim & his team at the Lighthouse Mission will do whatever they can to teach people about the good news of Jesus- sure why not use a giant living snake? 

Bring your kids down Saturday grades k-5th from 11-1:00pm for our free "Kids Club" pizza, Crafts, songs, prizes but best of all learning about Jesus.
Why should you consider volunteering & financially supporting the lighthouse mission in a monthly basis? Because you not only get the opportunity to hand out food and share Jesus with hundreds of people each day - you also get to become a human basket-ball net to 80+ little kids throwing paper balls at you! ... Who ever said serving Jesus had to be boring? 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

** Urgent Prayer needed for Pastor Jim ** Many of you probably never knew but Lighthouse Missions Pastor Jim has been struggling with severe pain in his neck & arm from a car accident a year ago when his jeep was smashed from behind. He severely injured his head & neck. We are asking everyone to please consider praying for him, his family and the doctors as he goes into surgery today for his neck. He plans to return to return to the Mission in a few days. Pastor Jim wants the young man that crashed into his jeep to know that he understands that the accident was a mistake and he completely forgives him & Jesus loves him he has been praying for him. In addition, Pastor Jim is excited to explain that he has already placed a dozen or so bible tracts at the hospital and has prayed with several people  ... Check out this photo he sent us to post when we told him we were asking people to pray for him. Here he is sailing on the Missions little donated sailboat named "Sea Mission" that we use for our under-privileged teen programs -- look at the flag he has flying behind him .... it says JESUS 
Another fun & practical way to show the love of Jesus is through Lighthouse Missions FREE (everything is always free at Lighthouse) Aspire program. Where pre-qualified volunteers sit down with children and help them one-on-one with their homework, school work, etc. we teach them to read using the Bible! Before each class we present a bible lesson to the children... It may not seem like much but to a child or an overwhelmed single parent it is a big deal. Want to help support it financially & volunteer? It's not easy work but you can be the hands of Jesus to a small child.

Can you imagine being an elderly person having to stand on a Lighthouse Mission food line in the rain leaning on a walker or perhaps wheeling through a deep puddle just to get a little food. I speak with so many have lost hope & their will to live.. when they come to the Lighthouse Mission outreaches for food unlike other secular food pantries or "interfaith" organizations who will just give them a little food IF they somehow qualify to get it. Lighthouse will give them food NO questions asked and best of all TELL them the truth of the gospel of Jesus- not some "feel-good physiological junk" that will keep them neutral to the God of the universe- we tell them about the God who loves them & who created them and that still has a wonderful plan for their life & that if they call upon the name of The Lord Jesus they can be saved. Then you can watch their eyes sparkle and hope & the Holy Sprit fill their souls... What an amazing God we serve. You should pray about joining or supporting us at a daily street outreach one day.
Photo: Can you imagine being an elderly person having to stand on a lighthouse mission food line in the rain leaning on a walker or perhaps wheeling through a deep puddle just to get a little food. I speak with so many have lost hope & their will to live.. when they come to the lighthouse mission outreaches for food unlike other secular food pantries or "interfaith" organizations who will just give them a little food IF they somehow qualify to get it. Lighthouse will give them food NO questions asked and best of all TELL them the truth of the gospel of Jesus- not some "feel-good physiological junk" that will keep them neutral to the God of the universe- we tell them about the God who loves them & who created them and that still has a wonderful plan for their life & that if they call upon the name of The Lord Jesus they can be saved. Then you can watch their eyes sparkle and hope & the Holy Sprit fill their souls... What an amazing God we serve. You should pray about joining or supporting us at a daily street outreach one day.

Friday, January 10, 2014

It's was cold outside & raining yet more then 100 people quietly lined up to receive food & clothing from God through His Lighthouse Mission. Everyone was so grateful & blessed. Thank you to our faithful volunteers who stand in the puddles each week & to those who financially make it possible for us to be the hands of Jesus to so many of our hurting neighbors.

It does not matter what the weather is: rain, bitter cold, snow, heat, etc. Lighthouse Missionaries go out to share the gospel of Jesus & feed the poor. Today is no different- people need bread for sure & we are going to give it to them. However the most important thing we are going to give to them is the Bread of Life, namely the gospel of Jesus.. Pray about joining us one day, we need the help & - it will change your life.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Someone just e-mailed me a question "Are there really hungry children on Long Island"? My answer is sadly YES. Lighthouse Mission ministers to hundreds each week. Up to 100 children from local homeless shelters (k-5th grades) come to our "Kids Club" each week. Many having to deal with hunger, extreme poverty, gangs, violence, neglect and abuse on a daily basis. Our goal as followers of Jesus is to invade their lives their families lives & their communities lives with the love of Jesus.. Would you please consider becoming a financial monthly partner so we can continue these free programs. We work entirely on donations and we are not a church therefore do not have weekly collections. Check out this video of homeless and underprivileged children enjoying lunch at Gods Lighthouse Mission.

Lighthouse Mission missionaries teaching teens about Jesus on a frozen pond? Why not, Jesus taught about the kingdom of God on boats & even walked on water.. Walking on ice is the closest we could come to walking on water - the teens got the idea & were blessed  
What a blessing to take a bunch of Lighthouse Mission teens into NYC for an afternoon adventure. God says He is a Father to the Fatherless.. As followers of Jesus we are all called to do the same.. Why not join us as we spend time with teens & talk about Jesus? You will be blessed. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Its freezing & a homeless man came to a Lighthouse Mission street outreach in need of warm clothes, food & shelter. Thank the Lord Lighthouse was able to give him all that he needed in addition to helping him get to a warm shelter. Later that night Pastor Jim went to the camp in the woods where he and others were staying & left some food, warm clothes, bibles, blankets & first aid / hygiene kits with all of the people who were at the camp & Pastor prayed over each of them. Sadly, none would go to a shelter in fear of being beat up & robbed. Please keep these poor people in your prayers. Many are addicted to alcohol, drugs, mental illness while others have simply fallen quickly onto hard times.

Standing on a long Lighthouse Mission food line in the freezing snow helping her sick mom collect some much needed food is how this little 8yr old girl spent some of her CHRISTmas vacation from school. Thank you to those who make it possible for Lighthouse Missionaries to give her food, a warm coat, hat & gloves. Her old coat had a huge rip on the side held closed with a paper clip. Pastor jim prayed over them & gave them a bible... You dont need go on expensive mission trips to other countries when your neighbors need help & to hear the gospel of Jesus RIGHT HERE on Long Island.
News 12 Report - Lighthouse Mission follows the example of Jesus to "seek & save that which was lost.." especially on days like tomorrow where so many homeless people & families living in their cars, sheds, tents & the woods could suffer severe frost bite or even death. It breaks my heart to think about the small children living with their parents in cars or even homes with no heat. Lighthouse Mission Will you pray for us as we go into the cold to minister to our hurting neighbors?

Monday, January 6, 2014

At the Lighthouse Missions "Kids Club" under-privileged & homeless children enjoy a simple hot dog lunch as volunteer missionaries write down their heart breaking prayer requests. Stuff like: a warm bed to sleep in, the bully who beats them up, their daddy who is "missing", food to eat, etc A hot dog might not sound like much of a lunch but to some of the kids who attend this free program this is their ONLY meal they will have for the day.. It does not seem right that so much $$ is spent on things like iPads, expensive monthly cell phone bills, $500 game systems, fancy church buildings, Starbucks $6.00 coffee, etc. While local CHRISTian organizations like Lighthouse Mission fight each day to share the most important thing anyone could ever have, of all namely Jesus- have to struggle & scratch just to put fuel in the tank of our trucks to feed people & share the gospel of Jesus right in our own communities. If you don't financially support Lighthouse or your church does not would you please consider asking them why? And to pray about it?
Blessed to listen to homeless & underprivileged children laughing & having fun watching Petra Puppets put on an amazing puppet show at the Lighthouse Missions "Kids Club" please keep these little guys in your prayers. For many the hot dog lunch they will receive today here at the Mission will be their only meal of the day.