Thursday, August 30, 2012

At the end of Lighthouse Mission's "Back to School" program today. We were blessed to be able to give away more then 400 back packs full of supplies in addition to 40 hair cuts. Best of all each one had an opportunity to hear about Jesus. Thank you to everyone who God used to make this possible.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Excited to be able to bless 150+ under-privileged children today with a back pack full of school supplies- in addition to provide 40+ children with nice clean hair cuts. Best of all- Lighthouse Mission missionaries were able to give bibles to & pray with each person who came today. Thank you Jesus!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Having a fun time with Lighthouse Missions youth Pastor Mike teaching under- privileged children Orienteering in a local park. Kids got their own compass, back pack & lunch & were taught how to navigate in the wilderness using a compass. How neat is that? In addition, we of course showed them the way to Jesus :-)
Blessed to be able to teach a bunch of under-privileged teens on a generous friends yacht how to sail. Then we took some time to have Pastor Jim teach us a bible lesson on Matthew 8:23 -- then off for some pizza. I can't wait to see what God is going to do next.
Lighthouse Missions 1st "Trade Camp" graduation class. Congratulations everyone!
Volunteer Lighthouse Mission Missionaries putting together 340 great back packs bursting full of school supplies ready to be given to children next week along with a free hair cut in the name of Jesus! -- Thank you to everyone who helped collect supplies & assemble the packs.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Listening to children
Laugh at a lighthouse mission youth program who sadly don't have so much to laugh about because of the difficult lives they have to live - Many homeless & often hungry blesses my heart. Thank you to everyone who gives of their time & finances to make programs like this possible in the name of Jesus.
Having fun with homeless & underprivileged children at the Lighthouse Mission this afternoon. What a blessing to be the hands of Jesus to these little ones. Thank you to everyone who helps make these programs possible.
60+ homeless & under-privileged children had an amazing time today laughing & playing games at Lighthouse Missions "Wacky Wednesday" 4 way tug of war, dodge ball, snacks & best of all learning about Jesus!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Had a blessed time today at the Lighthouse Missions Spanish church "Inglasia la MiSion" - baptisms & great fellowship. Pastor Enrique & his wife Lori do a wonderful job leading the church each week from 5-6:30pm .. Come & see.
During today's Lighthouse Mission street outreaches many children were able to get a good nutritious lunch while their parents waited on line for food... Sadly, not all of our 10 weekly outreaches can offer this to the children. Will you consider helping us be the hands of Jesus?

Friday, August 17, 2012

The lines at all of the daily Lighthouse Mission street outreaches are getting longer & longer.. We need food, funds & monthly financial partners.
Please join us in prayer that the "Lord of the harvest will send more workers because the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few"- Jesus

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Blessed to have enough food today to share the gospel of Jesus & feed the poor in Port Jefferson, Bellport & Shirley. Please join us in prayer to be able to continue to meet this growing need of more then 3000 each week.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pastor Mike teaching the last day of the carpentry Trade Camp at the Lighthouse Mission.. The structure in the back was built by the students, sheet rocked, wired & they even installed a sink.. All for the Glory of God.. Please pray for these young people..I can't wait to see how God will use their new skills! - pastor jim
A homeless many gets blessed with a new pair of much needed good quality boots today at a Lighthouse Mission street outreach. Sadly, many homeless people get used shoes that last them for only a short amount of time they get a new pair of poor quality shoes that also last them a short amount of time.. We are always blessed to have shoes to to put on the feet of needy people.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Lots & lots of kids attended the Lighthouse Missions 1st free Basketball camp. What's amazing is that kids would just walk up and ask to join. A few of the kids were told they could not play until they got rid of their knives! (we could see them clipped onto their pocket & they are in a gang) so they came back later, apologized & dressed to play ball. How blessed are we that we can reach street kids with. The gospel of Jesus?

This was church Lighthouse Mission style today in a local park Basket ball court worshiping God with street kids from the neighborhood. Afterwards we continued our free basketball camp. Not only did the kids get incredible coaching, t-shirts & lunches but best if all got to learn about Jesus.
Pastor Jim blesses little children with little toys & tells them about Jesus while they wait on line for food with their parents at a Lighthouse Mission daily street outreach.

Friday, August 10, 2012

What a blessing to be able to host Lighthouse Missions 1st free basket ball camp to
Kids in the surrounding communities.. Best of all they got to learn about Jesus.. Please pray that the next two days will be rain free 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Blessed to be sharing the Gospel of Jesus & feeding the poor of Port Jefferson Station.. How cute are these little guys? They came with their mom for food but insisted on helping unload our truck. God bless them.
Long lines of people waiting at daily Lighthouse Mission street outreach for food. Somehow God expanded what little food we had to to give to them & met every need. What's really exciting is that after Pastor Jim preached a brief message about trusting & putting their life in Jesus 20+ people invited Christ into their lives.. How cool is that? God is Amazing! 
While at one of Lighthouse Missions daily outreaches children are blessed to receive a nutritious lunch while their parents wait online for food... Pastor Jim handed out balloons & goodies to the children & made sure to put his hand on ever
y child to bless them in the name of JESUS. How sad it is that there are so many hurting Long Islanders in need & we have so little to offer them.. Please join us in prayer for food & funds..

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Todays Lighthouse Mission Trade Camp class was CULINARY.. These kids loved learning how to make various desserts - best of all they got to learn about Jesus.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Blessed to be able to be hosting Lighthouse Missions first trade camp. Where children get to learn about carpentry, plumbing, culinary arts, etc. all free of charge for three weeks.. In addition, they learn about Jesus .in this photo these young adults learned to build & raise a wall.. Praise God! 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Volunteer Lighthouse Mission Missionaries pray at the weekly Port Jefferson outreach location after serving the poor. They do this after every daily outreach. What are they praying for? The community, the people & their children, the police
 and for the people who want to have us arrested & forced to move from this abandoned parking lot... Please consider helping us with your prayers, donations of $$, food & your time. God bless you.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Here is the latest News12 report on the D.O.T. threatening to kick the lighthouse Missions free weekly street outreach outreach out of Port Jefferson Station where they share the gospel of Jesus & feed the poor. Why would they even consider arresting Pastor Jim?

So if you look real close at the line of people waiting for food at a lighthouse mission daily street outreaches (such as this video) do you see any problems? What you will see are hurting long islanders- such as the elderly, woman & children receiving food, cloths, cold water & best of all hearing & experiencing the live of Jesus.

The LIghthouse Mission is collecting school supplies & childrens bibles to give out to needy families in the name of Jesus. In addition, we plan to provide children with hair cuts.. Can you, your church or business help us be the hands of Jesus?