Friday, February 28, 2014

We are getting ready for Lighthouse Missions free Saturday Kids Club.. 11-1:00pm. Songs, crafts, lunch, goodies & best of all learning about Jesus. Sadly for many of these little guys they have very difficult lives & this is one of the few places they can be safe & simply be a kid. In addition, this will be the ONLY meal they will have for the day. Please pray & donate to this important ministry. 
Video: We are getting ready for Lighthouse Missions free Saturday Kids Club.. 11-1:00pm. Songs, crafts, lunch, goodies & best of all learning about Jesus. Sadly for many of these little guys they have very difficult lives & this is one of the few places they can be safe & simply be a kid. Please pray for this important ministry.

VIDEO: Why does Lighthouse Missionaries go out each day to give out food to thousands of people each week-no matter what the weather- even sudden snow storms? To demonstrate the love of Jesus to everyone who attends...
Jesus came to serve not to be served, we want to follow His amazing humble example. Will you support us?

Why does Lighthouse Missionaries go out each day to give out food to thousands of people each week-no matter what the weather- even sudden snow storms? To demonstrate the love of Jesus to everyone who attends...
Jesus came to serve not to be served, we want to follow His amazing humble example. Will you support us?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It's a blessing to watch God feed more then 3200 people each week through His Lighthouse Mission. As an American it breaks my heart to see fellow Americans quietly standing on a food line under an American flag flapping loudly above. What has happened to our country? I think its time to remember that we are a Nation under God, the God of the Bible to be specific.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Whenever possible Lighthouse Mission is blessed to also be able to offer pet foods at the daily street outreaches. Many times people find themselves in financial distress very quickly and struggle to be able to care for a pet they had before they became poor. God loves the animals too 

Monday, February 24, 2014

The fog created a surreal feel to the lines of hurting people standing in deep cold puddles of slushy water waiting for food at today's Lighthouse Mission street outreaches. The lines were so long you could not even see the end if it. Can you see the Lighthouse truck in the back? After Pastor jim preached a brief message about salvation found only in trusting in Jesus everyone clapped. How cool is that? God is on the move in a powerful way. Why not become a part if it here at the Lighthouse?
The fog created a surreal feel to the lines of hurting people standing in deep cold puddles of slushy water waiting for food at today's Lighthouse Mission street outreaches. The lines were so long you could not even see the end if it. After Pastor Jim preached a brief message about salvation found only in trusting in Jesus everyone clapped. How cool is that? God is on the move in a powerful way. Why not become a part if it here at the Lighthouse?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Sadly, not every parking lot that Lighthouse Mission uses to share the gospel of Jesus & feed the poor are cleared of snow. Thank the Lord that God sent us several strong people who could help shovel a path for our Port Jefferson outreach on Thursday... With God all things are possible!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

It was a little warmer outside today so the lines of hurting & hungry people were even longer at todays Lighthouse Mission street outreaches. It was a great opportunity to spend a little more time sharing the gospel of Jesus & praying with the people waiting. Many of the prayers these people will ask you to pray with them for are heart breaking. Please keep these people in your daily prayers.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here is the Lighthouse Missions 1st custom t-shirt that the children were wearing.. They even got to color it with fabric markers. Now you can understand why they are holding up 2 fingers .. Because they are Valuable to God.
Why invest so much time and money into "under-privileged & at-risk-kids" that you don't get any gov funding for & are not kids of your own church (Lighthouse Mission is not a church)? Is a question I just received. My answer: because God loves them & they are valuable to Him. The bible says that God has an amazing plan for their lives & we want to be a part of that plan. I can't wait to see what God has in store for them. Please consider supporting Lighthouse Missions weekly Kids Club. So we can continue to invest into their lives.
It was very cold outside today as Lighthouse Missionaries shared the gospel of Jesus in word and deed.. So many were visibly shivering as Pastor Jim offered them hats, gloves and prayed with many. At one point a little old lady collapsed from the freezing cold just as Pastor was walking past. He quickly caught her and helped her sit down in a warm car.... The sad part in all of this is that this is happening right here in Suffolk county- America! Elderly people standing on food lines to the point of exhaustion?! This is not the America I ever knew..

Please join us in a prayer like this:

"Lord, please help these poor people., our neighbors. Please help your servants & strengthen us. Please supply our needs so we can continue to share your good news- your son Jesus"

It's sad to see so many hurting people waiting on Lighthouse Mission food lines each day- today was no exception. However, I thank God for the food & cloths to give to these poor people. Most of all I thank Him for the boldness of Lighthouse Missionaries who go up the line praying for each person, for the Lighthouse pastors who preach a clear gospel message each day and for the volunteers who stand in any weather demonstrating the love of Jesus.. The Kingdom if God is moving powerfully! Who not get on board with us?
We are getting ready for Saturdays FREE "Kids Club" grades k-5th ... Pizza for Lunch, games, crazy fun and a great craft. Tomorrow kids will be designing your very own t-shirt. Not just any old t-shirt but one that teaches them that God created them with a purpose.. Please keep these childen in your prayers.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Have you ever wanted to share the love of Jesus and feed the poor. So you called local soup kitchen or food pantry and they told you that they already had enough help, or your children could not help or perhaps you needed to be a part of their "church" to help? We hear this a lot.. Here is the exciting news: With the Lighthouse Mission there is always a need for help. Come to a street outreach and help hand out food & cloths. Come to a teen program and speak into the lives of a teen. Register to help with the "Kids Club" and spend some time with the little kids, etc. there is always something to do serving the Lord here at the Lighthouse Mission. Give us a call at 631-758-7584 and we will get ya plugged in!
As the temperatures drop lower & lower more and more long islanders line up at Lighthouse Mission daily street outreaches. Many elderly people stand in the snow quietly waiting for food. When 
Lighthouse missionaries offer to pray for them it's a blessing to watch them come to life at the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rumors have been circulating that Pastor jim was shot.
He was not shot. However, Pastor is very excited to report that he was SHOT AT again the other day. The bullet hit the windshield in such a way that it would have certainly killed him. But God had another plan, the bullet deflected off off the windshield of his Jeep with a very loud crash.. Why is he excited that someone shot at him again? He said that he must be really angering the Devil if he keeps trying to kill him 

Please keep Lighthouse Missionaries in your prayers. As we go out each day into some very dark places preaching & demonstrating the love of Jesus it is getting more & more dangerous.

"Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life..." - 1 Peter 3:13-15
Everyone matters to God which is why He sent His son Jesus to die for us.. Lighthouse Missionaries follow Gods example by reaching out to troubled, under-privileged and many times teens who have no dad in their lives and speak life into them using scripture. Encourage them and teach them that they have a Father in Heaven who loves them & has an amazing plan for their lives- no matter what their current life may look like.
Please pray about becoming a monthly partner with Lighthouse Mission- God can use you to make a difference in a local child's life. Don't believe me? .. Come & see for yourself.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

What happens when Lighthouse Mission wants to take 25 under-privileged teens to a weekend snow camp hosted by Word of Life bible college but does not have any money to do so- some of these kids did not even have a warm coat to wear..Pastor Jim and his team pray and ask God to provide- we have no place else to turn & of course no better place to turn to.... Guess who answered our prayer? In this photo are 25 kids who deal with gangs, drugs, violence, poverty etc. on a daily basis & would never have an opportunity to spend the weekend up state in a cabin growing closer to God and having crazy fun. Many dedicated their lives to Jesus this weekend. How amazing is that?
"With God ALL things are possible"! - Jesus
How do you know that the food you donate goes to people who are really in need of it? One way is to see for yourself. Hundreds of people are standing for more then an hour in freezing snow & wind with their children -in hope of getting some groceries- you know they are in need. Either way it makes no difference because each & every person attending gets to hear about Jesus & His amazing plan for them.. Will you help support & pray for us?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

If you have donated any hats, gloves or scarfs to an organization & never knew what happened to them? With Lighthouse Mission you literally get the opportunity to put them onto shivering children. In this photo these little guys were blessed with gloves & hats but best of all with every hat & glove that goes out the doors of the Lighthouse Mission goes the gospel of Jesus!
Pastor Jim was blessed to be chosen by News12 as "A Long Islander Making a Difference". Which is a wonderful honor. However, Pastor wanted to make it clear that he really does not do anything- God does it all. He just shows up and God does it. I know to some of you that might sound a bit weird but its true.
God literally uses many wonderful volunteers from all over Long Island to help with the children, teens, street outreaches and financially provides through donations...
Thank you to everyone who God uses with your time & talent to accomplish so much through this tiny ministry.
“Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” - Matthew 19:25 / Jesus