Saturday, October 4, 2014

Lighthouse Mission's New Website

Hello everyone, this is an update letting you know that Lighthouse Mission has launched a new website, complete with faster loading times, information on our missionary staff, pictures and videos, program information, and much more!

You can check it out by visiting

With this new website, we will be combining some of our internet resources. As a result, we will no longer be updating this blog on a regular basis. Please check out our website or follow us on Facebook for future updates.

We are excited to have this new website up and running, and hope that it will keep you informed about all that God is doing through HIS mission on Long Island. Thank you, and God bless you for your continuing support.
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Friday, October 3, 2014

Please Partner with Us
You know people are in real need of food when they form long lines in the rain at a daily Lighthouse Mission food outreach in hope of receiving a few bags of groceries. Even though the Lighthouse Mission may not have trucks or a warehouse packed full of food these day, God has been faithfully meeting every need (3200 Suffolk County people each week) & best of all each one of those people get to hear & see the gospel of Jesus.

Would you consider becoming a monthly financial supporter so we can continue to be the hands of Jesus right here on Long Island. Why not come out with us one day & see for yourself?
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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Lighthouse Mission: All About Jesus
I just received an email from someone representing a large secular organization upset that they heard that Lighthouse Mission FORCES people to listen to the gospel of Jesus before we give anyone food. Let me be perfectly clear about this: Lighthouse Mission does not force anyone to listen to the gospel of Jesus- I don't know how we would even be able to do that.

Having said that, before any food, clothing, etc. is handed out, the gospel of Jesus is always presented- clearly and directly. We go as far as to use a bullhorn at each daily street outreach so that everyone can hear the good news. People don't have to listen, they can leave the line they are waiting on for food or they can come back after it's preached. Sure, we have evangelists going up and down the line of waiting people offering to pray for them, but again: No one is ever forced to receive prayer.

Please let me conclude with this and be brutally honest: there is salvation in only one name and that name is Jesus. We are going to tell everyone we encounter the good news of Jesus. If you like me that's great, if you don't like me that's fine too- we are NOT here to make friends, we are here for ONE purpose and that is to tell people about Jesus.

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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Worship Music at a Street Outreach
It was a blessing to have a wonderful Christian man from Lambs Chapel church show up & offer to play his guitar for people as they received food from God at a daily Lighthouse Mission street outreach. It was amazing. The gospel of Jesus was shared, 100+ people were fed & prayed for & beautiful Christian music was played. It is the Kingdom of God on the move here on Long Island!

How can you get connected to Lighthouse Mission?
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Lighthouse Mission Needs Your Support
US spending 1.5 million dollars on a single tomahawk missile (which i understand we need to defend our country) Meanwhile, more then 3200 Suffolk county residents stand on Lighthouse Mission food lines each week- many elderly, children, in wheel chairs & Lighthouse can't get a single penny to help buy food? Thank the Lord God is our provider & He uses people like you.
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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lighthouse Mission's Kids' Club Program Needs Your Support

Getting ready for a new exciting year of Lighthouse Missions "Kids Club”. We need help getting this program ramped up.

Has God been speaking to you about helping support a local ministry that ministers to poor & under-privileged children many of whom are picked up from local homeless shelters? If so, here is your opportunity.

Lighthouse Mission needs weekly financial sponsors for Lunch for the children, crafts, bibles, supplies, etc. Just to give you a point of reference: lunch for 80+ children costs $200

Will YOU, your CHURCH, BUSINESS or Family help? Donations are way down.
God Bless you. If you are willing to help - Here is a link to make a Paypal donation: signature

Friday, September 19, 2014

Long Food Lines on Long Island
Quick question for Long Islanders: if the economy here on Long Island is doing as good as our governor is expressing then why are the lines of people attending the Lighthouse Mission's daily food street outreaches longer than we have seen in 22 years?

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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sidewalk Chalk for Jesus?
While Lighthouse Mission volunteers unload the trucks of donated food and set it up to be given away to the hundreds waiting on line, Pastor Jim gives the children of waiting parents sidewalk chalk. Then he encourages the children to draw things from the Bible or about Jesus. 

It's so neat to watch a dirty & in some cases abandoned parking lot come to life with simple children's chalk drawings of Jesus.
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Helping Long Island's Elderly
When you show up for the first time at a Lighthouse Mission daily street outreach you will be saddened to see how long the line of hurting people is. Next you will see how many poor hungry children are also there & finally the elderly. So often, the elderly have to make hard choices such as either paying for fuel to heat their home, but medicines OR buy a little food.

Many times we discover they are freezing at home or slowly starving. In addition, the brief messages & prayer offered at each street outreach is the only Jesus they get to here and see. Lighthouse Mission has literally become a life line for these dear elderly people. 

Would you please consider helping us be the hands of Jesus to so many of Long islands elderly?
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Need for Fresh Produce
One of the things that Lighthouse Mission loves to give out is fresh fruits and vegetables. Sadly, we do not get very much donated & we don't have funds to purchase buy any.

Long Island children who come from poor homes are forced to eat low quality and highly processed unhealthy foods because they are cheaper to buy & there's is nothing else for them to eat.
This has a negative effect on them in many ways: low energy, ability to focus in school, mood swings, low self esteem, etc.

Please pray that God will open up an opportunity for Lighthouse Mission to get fresh fruits and vegetables to give to people that are in need right here on Long Island.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Please Consider Becoming a Monthly Supporter
I know its hard to believe but there are children who live right here on Long Island that go to bed hungry every night. What's even worse is that they have no idea who Jesus is. Would you please consider financially supporting Lighthouse Mission on a monthly basis so we can continue to share the gospel of Jesus & feed the poor each day right HERE on Long Island?
God bless you.

Here is a Paypal link to donate:

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Long Lines at Lighthouse Mission Outreaches
It never ceases to sadden me when I see long lines of hurting & hungry Americans line up each day at Lighthouse Mission food lines in hope of receiving a bag of groceries. Right above our heads a large American flag waves loud & proudly above. What has happened to this once mighty nation? I just heard that that some politicians running for office have 30+ million dollars to spend on campaign advertising. Seriously? If that is true, shame on them. Lighthouse Mission can't even get a single penny to help feed poor Americans every day. The really messed up part is that when the holidays come around guess who wants to show up to help hand out food (for a few short moments) with their camera people snapping zillions of photos? The good part is that when they see how much God accomplishes without their funding they always ask how we do so much. Our answer is: The God of the Bible is our provider. With Him ALL things are possible! Then you can rest easy knowing that Pastor Jim NEVER misses an opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus with every news person, celebrity and yes, even politicians.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Join us on an Outreach
Blowing bubbles and making poor children laugh (including myself), sharing the gospel of Jesus with people who are waiting patiently on line for food at today's Lighthouse Mission street outreach, and feeding the poor right here on Long Island. I could not think of a better way to spend my day other than serving Jesus. 

Why not come out one day and join us?

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Youth Program Visit to Fire Island

One of the exciting ways Lighthouse Mission connects with the kids in the challenged communities surrounding the lighthouse mission is go on adventures & find unique places to hold their bible studies. Recently Lighthouse Mission youth director Blaise Chrzastek took the kids to the Fire Island Lighthouse, where they spent time learning about Jesus and the awesome plan He has for their lives. Whoever said the gospel of Jesus has to be boring?

Got a teen who would like to plug in or would you like to financially support this important ministry? Give us a call 631-758-7584 for details!

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Baptisms at Lake Ronkonkoma

God did it again!

This time we were blessed to baptize 4 people from more of our daily street outreaches across Long Island. We don't have a fancy baptismal (or fancy anything for that matter) so we went to a local beach & told them about Jesus. Read the scriptures & listened to them speak about why they wanted to be baptized & how much they love Jesus - then they were baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit.. Beautiful day.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Thank you to everyone who donated funds and who prayed for Lighthouse Mission to be able buy some much needed school clothes for a few under-privileged kids.
Buying school clothes may not sound like a big deal but to these kids it meant the world.
Thank you for helping us be the hands of Jesus to these kids.
It's the kingdom of God on the move right here on Long Island!