Wednesday, November 27, 2013

400+ people come out in the rain today hoping for some thanksgiving food from God through His Lighthouse Mission.. The lines were so long but everyone who came were blessed & grateful to God for the food they received.

400+ people come out in the rain today hoping for some thanksgiving food from God through His Lighthouse Mission.. Everyone who came were blessed & very grateful to God for the food they received.
Its cold, rainy & very windy- if you are blessed to be inside a warm house or office somewhere, would you please consider taking a moment to pray for the Lighthouse Mission staff, volunteers & people who will be standing in todays weather sharing the love & Gospel of Jesus as we give out Turkeys & Thanksgivingh food. Also, please pray that the food that we have will meet every need.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Please watch this quick video:
Have you ever been at a Lighthouse Mission street outreach? Check out this quick video & see just how many people attend Gods daily Lighthouse Mission street outreaches.You will be shocked. The great news is that each & every person who attends gets to hear & see just how much Jesus loves them. Please watch this video.

NEWS 12 Video Report:
I think its way cool that since Lighthouse Mission is a CHRISTian organization that we get so few grants from the gov or corporations... YET, the gov and gov funded agencies, with all of their funding and personnel can't even meet the overwhelming need of the poor here on Long Island soooo they send them to the Lighthouse Mission because they know that we will be able to meet the need, even with no funding & so few missionaries.. How? because GOD is our provider & HE knows that each & every person who goes through a Lighthouse Mission food line WILL hear the good news of His son Jesus. One way or another GOD will provide. Thank you Jesus
"If God is for us then who can be against us?" - Romans 8:31 

It was cold outside while handing out Thanksgiving food today at Lighthouse Mission street outreaches. Hundreds of people lined up early in the morning to receive food from God. When Lighthouse staff announced that everyone was going to be blessed with a chicken or turkey from Jesus everyone cheered & clapped for Jesus. After Pastor Jim shared a message of salvation in Jesus everyone again clapped for Jesus! How cool is that?

Monday, November 25, 2013

Check out this panorama photo of the long-long lines of people hoping for a bag of groceries from God through His Lighthouse Mission. There are so many people waiting that it does not even fit into a panorama photo lens!... Here is the great news: at each daily outreach people are giving their lives to follow Jesus by the dozen! Why not come down on your lunch break and help be the hands of Jesus?
"..The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.."- Jesus
How beautiful is this: As Pastor Jim was sharing a salvation message with 200+ people waiting for food in the cold today at a Lighthouse Mission street outreach one of his young daughters was sharing about Jesus at the same time with some of the little children who came with their parents for food and it was caught on camera by a volunteer..
If a poor missionary pastors daughter can share Jesus at a Lighthouse outreach, will you consider helping with you time, talents & treasure?

200+ people lined up in Patchogue today for Lighthouse Missions street outreach. The gospel of Jesus was clearly preached by Pastor Jim & everyone was blessed with Thanksgiving food from Jesus...
It rained throughout the whole Lighthouse Mission street outreach in Riverhead today. Hundreds waiting patiently, many with little children standing in deep puddles. The minute Lighthouse volunteers (soaked to the core) finished handing out Thanksgiving food from God to nearly 150 people, the rain stopped. And it never rained again.
At first I was dismayed. But the more I thought about it, what better way for God to show His love to the people receiving the food than through love in action. No words needed. Just dedicate souls, standing in the rain servng the lost and needy. Makes oneself even more amazed at His ways."- Howie, Lighthouse Mission team member.

Friday, November 22, 2013

After standing more than an hour in the rain today ministering to hundreds people waiting on Lighthouse Mission street outreach line for food I was really hungry but I knew I did not have any money for lunch and there was nothing left on the truck to eat.. When the outreach was over and we finished praying I walked back to the outreach van to find three fresh pizza pies waiting on the passenger seat! - thank you Jesus. I already ate half  -- Pastor Jim
Today was the 1st day giving out Thanksgiving food at Lighthouse Mission food outreaches... Want to know how many people attended the 1st day? 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Today is the 1st day we will begin giving out turkeys/chickens for Thanksgiving at Lighthouse Missions daily street outreaches. Please pray we will have enough to meet the overwhelming need over the next week- we thought we were going to need 1600, it looks like we are going to need much more.... "with God ALL things are possible." - Jesus

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

After a mom & her little daughter waited on a long Lighthouse Mission street outreach food line in the cold they walked over to me and began to thank me & explain how much of a blessing this food from God will be to their family. I noticed the little girls shoe was literally held together onto her little foot with making tape (she colored it with a pink marker so it wouldn't look like tape) she tapes & colors her shoe each day. I showed the little girl an used pair of shoes someone gave me & she cheered with joy, took them, put them on and danced. The mom turned & cried... Sadly, this is the second time I have witnessed a young mother weeping over a pair of shoes for her child. I prayed over them in the name of Jesus & they walked away.. What country was this? Right here on Long Island. - Pastor Jim

Monday, November 18, 2013

Hundreds & hundreds of people lined up today to on the streets to receive food from God through His Lighthouse Mission.. Thank the Lord we had enough food for everyone. Please pray about meeting us at one of the daily street outreaches to help hand out food. If you can't help at the outreaches would you consider financially supporting the mission so we can continue sharing the gospel of Jesus & feeding the poor.
Just about 70 homeless. & underprivileged children attended Lighthouse Missions weekly "Kids Club" this Saturday- silly, games, crafts. lunch & learning about Jesus. Pizza was served for lunch- but one little 7yr old girl was trying to hide her lunch under the table. When asked why she was doing that? She replied it was for her little brother at the shelter. They don't have much to eat at "home" & she was taking care of him she explained... Yes, this is happening right here on Long Island.. Please pray for these children who attend our programs.

News12: We are on the news again. They are reporting that the need for help has gone way up but sadly donations have gone down. The part that they did not report on was that Pastor Jim is not worried at all- Yes Lighthouse needs help to meet the need but he trusts God to provide & He has never let us down.

Lots going at Lighthouse Mission today. High energy "Kids club" from 11-1pm & a huge street outreach in Patchogue.. Come down & have some fun sharing Jesus with Pastor
Jim while he blows bubbles with the children waiting for food with their parents.

Lighthouse Missions "kids club" is Saturday 11-1pm for grades k-5th.. Lunch, crazy games, prizes & best of all learning about Jesus.. Please keep the kids in your prayers- for many they are homeless & living in extreme poverty. This will be the only meal they will have for the day.. Yes, lute children are hungry & hurting g right here in Long Island. Will you pray to see if God wants you to help us be the hands of Jesus to these little guys? Sponsor lunch? Craft, fuel for van to get to shelter, etc. P

Friday, November 15, 2013

 Food needed at Lighthouse Mission
NEWS12 Report: Lighthouse NEEDS Thanksgiving food. Can you help be the hands of Jesus to needy people right here on Long Island? With each meal served will go along the amazingly good news of Jesus.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today at the Lighthouse Missions street outreaches many people who were waiting on line for food were asking if lighthouse would be able to help them with chickens or turkeys for Thanksgiving... As of right now the mission has very few- less than 50. So pastor jim had everyone waiting on the lines pray, thank & trust in God to provide... Will you, your church, company or family help be the hands of Jesus to our neighbors in need right here on Long Island?..

"..Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’No other commandment is greater than these.” - Jesus

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Looking for a great way to start off each day? Why not come down to Lighthouse Mission each day from 930 to 10 AM. You will be blessed with a high energy Bible studies from different ministers each day... just as a fair warning: Pastor Jim does teach Bible studies on occasion and it may be unlike any Bible study you have ever been a part of before-- it's more of an experience  
Lighthouse Mission teens having fun with our new donated "arm wrestling" table (thank you Pastor Scott) .. Everyone is laughing and encouraging each other. Whoever said ministry has to be boring? It's crazy fun around here 
What a blessing to have Adam a student from Word of Life to visit & speak to the teens of the Lighthouse Missions Ignite program today. It really impacted our teens... Its all about Jesus. Lives being changed & the kingdom of God is on the move! 
Everything at the Lighthouse Missions HQ is on wheels. Why? Pastor Jim hates church pews, because you cant move them. At Lighthouse we need to change the room around daily for all of the exciting Jesus based programs that we offer to the community for free. Today, we are setting up for our teen program: IGNITE. Most who come are not "church kids" and Lighthouse is the only place they will hear about Jesus & the incredible plan He has for their lives. It can be pretty challenging at time so please consider praying for the Pastors as they minister to these teens.
Many of the food banks, soup kitchens, public pantries large & small are very worried about meeting the need for this upcoming Thanksgiving & they should be, because donations are down everywhere & most of them count on the government & large corporations to provide. So the newspaper interviewed several of the largest on long island including Pastor Jim from the Lighthouse Mission- who, for some reason is not worried at all. Which confused the reporter because they know Lighthouse does not get any large corporate help or government assistance. Why isn't Pastor worried? Well read the quick quote in this newspaper clip got the answer... 

Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away and the Lighthouse Mission has only 39 Chickens / Turkeys to offer & we need at least 1200...Why not partner with an orgnization that with every can of beans that is distributed by the Lighthouse goes the Gospel of Jesus.. Will you help collect food & share the good news of Jesus?

Monday, November 11, 2013

This little boy, his little 3yr. sister & 7yr brother sleep on the floor each night.. They have no bed to sleep in after being forced to quickly leave their home one day. They sleep on the floor. The mom called every church and government agency she could find for help but sadly no one would. Then someone told them about Lighthouse Mission. Although the Mission did not have the funds to buy them beds Pastor Jim believed in faith to help them & ordered the beds. Soon after, God of course came through! (See photo of Pastor Jim setting up the 3 new beds) Not only did each child get a new bed but also bedding, pillows & enough food to feed their family for 2 weeks. But best of all, each received a bible & got to hear & experience the love of Jesus in action. Thank you to everyone who God used to help make this happen. "..With man this is impossible but with God All things are possible.." - Jesus

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Have you wanted to hear Lighthouse Missions own Pastor preach? Normally he does not often speak at churches (he says it's because he doesn't have any nice cloths to wear  However, he will be speaking tomorrow at a church pastored by one of his close friends at Centereach Bible Church located at 170 N. Coleman Rd. in Centereach, NY 11720 at 11:00am & Pastor Jims wife Andrea will be leading worship. Pastor Jim plans to stick around after service to answer any questions you may have. So why not come down have a cup of official church coffee, encourage Pastor Jim & shake the hand of the churches Pastor Scott. You will be blessed. 
Need food for your family? Do you have food that you would like to donate to your local community in the name of Jesus? The Lighthouse Missions HQ in Bellport is now open Saturdays10-3pm. In addition, we have a new street outreach each Saturday from 12-1 behind the Burlington coat factory in the parking lot next to the Terry street apartments. God is on the move! "Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest. " - Jesus

Lots of hurting people coming to the Lighthouse Mission street outreaches today. Many single parents with their children waiting at their side. Many elderly people who explain that they have nothing to eat. After we preached a message about the love Jesus has for them - many tearfully asked for prayer... 
"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?" - Romans 10:14
We are proud to announce the launch of the Lighthouse Missions 1st Street outreach on Saturdays. We discovered that there are many people who are the working poor & need food but can not attend normal daily street outreaches or people who want to volunteer but can not because they work.. So, we are sharing the gospel of Jesus & feeding the poor in Patchogue each Saturday no matter what the weather is 12-1:00pm Just behind the Burlington coat factory in the parking lot just to the right of the Terry street apartments. Please keep this important outreach in your prayers & please consider financially partnering with us each month to make these outreaches possible.
Does the Lighthouse Mission IGNITE teen programs impact the youth for Jesus? Check out the results in the photo: Teens are giving their time to help the younger school kids with their homework each Thursday for the Lighthouse Aspire program... Here they are directing some games with the kids. Great job Aspire teens!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Here is a video of a typical daily Lighthouse Mission street outreach & what you will see & do if you decide to volunteer one day to help share the gospel of Jesus & feed the poor right here on Long Island. We exist for one purpose & that is to share the gospel of Jesus & to feed the poor. Want to help?

It's been nothing but long lines of hurting & hungry people each day waiting on Lighthouse Mission outreaches in hope of getting a much needed bag of groceries.. Be sure to vote tomorrow for candidates who not only say they trust in Jesus & but their actions/works reflect their faith..

Monday, November 4, 2013

Today was Lighthouse Missions 1st Saturday street outreach. A long line of people waiting for food greeted the Lighthouse volunteers as the outreach truck pulled into the parking lot. A wonderful message was preached by Pastor Craig. Pastor Jim blew bubbles & gave out balloons to the children as their parents receive much needed food from God. It was a wonderful circus for Jesus.