Hello everyone,
I have been reading & watching the news over the past six months and have carefully listened to the broadcasters report on how the economy is "turning around" - "on the up swing" - "rapidly improving"… I have to make a comment not as the President or Pastor of the Lighthouse Mission but as a guy who stands behind a table with a bunch of volunteers each week to help hand out food to people in need that I have never seen so many people in need. Sadly, the need is going up each week at an alarming rate.
Pastor Enrique (the Lighthouse Mission’s Outreach Director) just completed the Lighthouse Missions end of year calculations of how many people God is feeding through the Lighthouse Mission. After reviewing the report I was shocked to learn how many people need help. A little over 7% of the total population of Suffolk County receives help through the Lighthouse Mission! Think about that for a moment. It is certainly sad to think that (as seen in the photo I took above at one of our outreaches) young mothers tightly clutching their new born babies praying they won’t slip or elderly people leaning on their walkers struggling to stand would walk down dangerous snow covered roadways fighting to get to a Lighthouse Mission outreach location. Then, when they do finally arrive they have to stand in deep snow while they wait in line for food. Well, here is the good news (the good news is ALWAYS Jesus- got ch’), somehow God has been expanding the food we do get and fills every need. They other good news is that every person who comes to an outreach to receive food gets hear & SEE the love of Jesus. It’s amazing to think that God can use a small ministry like the Lighthouse Mission to make such large impact in Suffolk county.
I can’t wait to see what God is going to do next.
Bless you,
Pastor Jim