Friday, May 31, 2013

It's going to be hot today. Hungry people are already lining up at 9:30am to receive food at Lighthouse Mission street outreaches at 12:00 when our trucks arrive. Will you consider praying about joining us share the gospel of Jesus & feed the poor of Long Island? Will you help us be the hands & feet of Jesus?  No matter what the weather is like outside: hot, cold, rain or snow lighthouse will always be there to demonstrate that Jesus loves them. Will you help, pray or give towards this important ministry?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Some of the food we get donated is terrible. Spoiled & often rotten (yup, this is usually the same stuff people & food stores demand a receipt of donation for) They would never give it to their own children- so why is it ok to give to other people's children- POOR children? Jesus said "whatever you give to the least of these brothers & sisters of mine you have given it to me" Did Jesus mean for us to give Him our worst shirt, cheapest quality of food & least amount of money or offer Him our very best & trust Him?...
Photo: Some of the food we get donated is terrible. Spoiled & often rotten (yup, this is usually the same stuff people & food stores demand a receipt of donation for) They would never give it to their own children- so why is it ok to give to other people's children- POOR children? Jesus said "whatever you give to the least of these brothers & sisters of mine you have given it to me" Diid Jesus mean for us to give Him our worst shirt, cheapest quality of food & least amount of money or offer Him our very best & trust Him?...3

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The little girl in this photo came to a lighthouse mission street outreach with her mom & baby sister. She does not have an easy life even at this young age. She is used to homelessness, hunger & living without the things many of us take for granted. She excitedly ran up to pastor jim and kept telling him "He's here- He's here!" Pastor asked "Who is here honey?" ... "He is here"! Pastor did not understand until her mom whispered to pastor "she is telling you Jesus is here".. Sometimes we get so busy with life that we need to be reminded why we are all here. To tell people about Jesus & to demonstrate His love with our life as a sacrifice to Him.. Please pray for this little family.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Each day the Lighthouse Mission hosts a bible study from 9:30-10:15am. Its open to anyone who would like to attend. However, we have very few quality bibles. Most of the bibles that we get we give away. We need these for the bible study. Could you possibly help sponsor a cases of bibles? We could really use 40-50. Here is a link to the bibles we need. If you cant help get us some bibles, would you please pray for us that God would provide?
As the weather gets warmer more & more hurting & hungry Long Islanders line up for Lighthouse Mission street outreaches each day for food. It was a wonderful blessing today to pray with countless people.. So many people have never heard the good news of Jesus. Why not join us one day helping us share the Gospel of Jesus & feed the poor? It will change your life to see so many of our neighbors in need.
With all of the terrible things happening in the world right now it's easy to get caught up in all of the horror - be encouraged! God's Kingdom is near. Here is a photo of this week's Lighthouse Mission "Kids Club"- homeless & underprivileged children, laughing, playing & singing songs to Jesus. Many have terrible home lives and the meal they have at the mission will be the only they have for the day, yet they laugh, sing & play because they know that they are safe & God loves them. Do you know that when you invite Jesus into your life & truly trust in Him, you can also be safe from this crazy, messed up, sin infested world? No matter what happens to you or around you, you can still laugh & sing because no matter what happens - you WILL be with Jesus in the end. Check out Acts 16 for more details about having the joy of God in hard times
  -- pastor jim

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Little girl came with her mom to a lighthouse mission street outreach & insisted on helping to bring home food in her new (used) shopping cart. She was so excited to get fresh veggies. They were also blessed with breads, cans & other good food.. But most importantly heard the good news of Jesus clearly presented to them...
"how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?" - Romans 10:14
Photo: Little girl came with her mom to a lighthouse mission street outreach & insisted on helping to bring home food in her new (used) shopping cart. She was so excited to get fresh veggies. They were also blessed with breads, cans & other good food.. But most importantly heard the good news of Jesus clearly presented to them...
"how can they call on Him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?" - Romans 10:142

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Do you enjoy Mountain biking? why not partner with Lighthouse Mission over the summer to help take some under-privileged teens mountain biking? We will teach them biking skills, teach them about the environment, how to repair a bike but best of all about the love of Jesus & speak life into them. God is a Father to the Fatherless- so as Christians shouldn't we follow His example to these children? WE CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR HELP.  Most of these kids don't have bikes or helmets. We are trying to buy at least 5 bikes & 10 helmets. We think this will cost @ $1700. Would you consider praying to see if God would have you help us with this pratical free summer ministry?
It was a blessing to be a part of the Brookhaven town clean up.. Lighthouse Mission provided volunteers & workers hot dogs, cold drinks & snacks.  Best of all telling everyone the good news of Jesus (check out Jonathan in this photo sharing Jesus with two teens while Leonard serves hot dogs- the Kingdom of God is on the move) — with Tiana Tue and Leonard Ormond.
Photo: It was a blessing to be a part of the Brookhaven town clean up.. Lighthouse Mission provided volunteers & workers hot dogs, cold drinks & snacks. Best of all telling everyone the good news of Jesus (check out Jonathan in this photo sharing Jesus with two teens while Leonard serves hot dogs- the Kingdom of God is on the move1
Hi guys here's another unique program pastor jim loves to do- The Lighthouse Mission will be offering for free this summer (everything we do is always free!) teaching Youth how to Sail on our reconditioned 25' sailboat named "SEA MISSION".   Jesus spent a bunch of time around (& walking on top of) water & boats so Youth will learn about the importance of our environment, self confidence, team work & very best of all JESUS.. Whoever said ministry & the gospel is boring? It's so cool to see all that God can do through a non-government funded & independent ministry run by just a handful of poor Jesus freak missionaries... Check out the video on another post for more details about how you can donate & plug into this very cool program... I can't wait to see what God is going to do next!
 — with Terry Hainz-Casa and 2 others.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Free Ukulele Outreach is one of Lighthouse Mission's unique upcoming youth programs. Pastor jim's idea is to invite kids to work alongside a Godly person to help them build a ukulele of their own & through the process teaching them how to play it (its a simple 4 string instrument) & in the end they get to keep the instrument they built. Through the process, they have been mentored, were kept busy (out of trouble), learned a hands on woodworking skill, put down their video games, and learned to play an instrument... but best of all-- had a chance to hear & see the good news of Jesus... Each ukulele kit & supplies cost $35. Will you help sponsor a kit or two so a child can meet Jesus?.... Check out former Facebook video for more info.
Photo: Free Ukulele Outreach is one of Lighthouse Missions unique up coming youth programs. Pastor jim's idea is to invite kids to work alongside a godly person to help them build a ukulele of their own & through the process teaching them how to play it (its a simply 4 string instrument) & in the end they get to keep the instrument they built. Through the process, they have been mentored, was kept busy (out of trouble), learned a hands on woodworking skill, put down their video games, learned to play an instrument but best of all-- had a chance to hear & see the good news of Jesus... Each ukulele kit & supplies cost $35. Will you help sponsor a kit or two so a child can meet Jesus?.... Check out former Facebook video for more info.3

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Summer is just around the corner & lighthouse Mission needs your help! We have many programs for youth throughout the summer such as: Sailing, Mountain Biking, kayaking, etc. Would you consider partnering with us to make these free programs happen? or better yet, help us reach the youth with Jesus.. Check out this promo with Pastor jim for our ukulele ministry
(Click picture to play video)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Each day the Lighthouse Mission has a bible study from 9:30-10:00am. Why not come down & join us?.. This photo is of pastor jim teaching bible study outside mission warehouse off the back of an outreach truck- whoever said bible study had to be boring?

Monday, May 13, 2013

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.." Who will join us as we share the gospel of Jesus & feed the poor of Long Island?
Here is a close up shot of some of the hand guns that Lighthouse Mission was able to get off the street.. Some were so small that it would fit loaded with a dull clip of ammunition in the back pocket of a teen and you would never even know they had it.. Please pray as the Lighthouse Mission presses into the enemy. We are taking ground from the enemy! The Kingdom of God is on the move. Thank you to those who believe in the Lighthouse Mission & invest into this local ministry with your finances & time. If your not please consider praying about it or we can not continue without provision from Gods people.
Pastor jim had fun today telling people about Jesus & helping to get some weapons out of the hands of kids today at a Gun Buy back program held at the Lighthouse Mission today.. A bunch of small Derringer pistols (that a kid could easy slip into his back pocket & take to school), 9mm hand guns, sawed off shotguns & even a few ak47 automatic assault rifles! The goal was NOT to get guns out of the hands of responsible American citizens but children. Best of all we shared the gospel of Jesus & prayed with almost everyone who walked in the door.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Officials say that the people waiting on lighthouse mission food lines in Riverhead are making the town look bad. Pastor jim drawing with sidewalk chalk with children, Sharing the gospel of Jesus while women, children & elderly quietly receive food from God in an unused parking lot is their definition of making their town look bad for 1 hour a week... Then I guess we are guilty. (Photo taken today in Riverhead)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

** Important Prayer Request *** Please pray for us as the lines of people needing food at the lighthouse mission street outreaches are getting longer & more hurting & hungry elderly people are attending (as in this photo of Riverhead lighthouse street outreach) some of the Riverhead town officials are attempting to make our outreach move or leave. Please pray for us as we attempt to continue to share the gospel of Jesus & minister to the poor even though we may be persecuted for doing so.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

So often when people think of serving at the Lighthouse Mission they think that they are not "Spiritual" enough or don't know enough to serve. Thats NOT true, all you need is a heart willing to serve Jesus.. In this photo volunteers hand out food & balloons while pastor jim draws with chalk with the children on the ground… Jesus love in action. Will you join with us?
Check out this cool video of Lighthouse Missions Kids Club visit from Pastor Scott & his ministry Racing with Jesus vintage race car.. Yes, there is some tire spinning & screeching involved & yes it's ALL about Jesus.. The Kids loved this (so did pastor jim) — with Aaron Kraniak and Centereach Bible Church
What an amazing blessing to have pastor Scott of Centereach Bible church visit the Lighthouse Missions "Kids Club" today with vintage his race car! (Racing with Jesus Ministry) he taught the children about Jesus using real race flags.. All the children were blessed with lunch & even made their own wooden race car.. Whoever said following Jesus was boring? — withCentereach Bible Church.
When Jesus was walking around in the flesh- He spent a lot of time with the children & the poor.. Lighthouse Mission focuses on the same groups.. In this photo pastor is blowing bubbles with the children as Lighthouse Mission volunteer missionaries hand out food to 130+ people while at the same time evangelists minister & pray with people standing on line- it's the Kingdom if God on the move! - why not come down one day & join us as we share the gospel of Jesus & feed the poor.

Friday, May 3, 2013

The number one question people ask us is: How do you pay your bills? The answer is simple, God provides through YOU. Lighthouse does NOT receive government grants and is not a church therefore we do not have a collection each week & everything that the Lighthouse Mission does is free- we never charge, ever. Very few churches actually support the mission on a monthly basis... Will you please consider praying about financially supporting the Lighthouse on a monthly basis? Just to fill up one truck with fuel for a week costs more then $135 -- we have 7 vehicles!, lunch for just one weekly Kids Club cost more than $200, not to mention anything else... Just throwing it out there in faith to see if any of God's soldiers will answer the call.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Gun violence is out of control in the communities surrounding the Lighthouse Mission. Just in the past 2.5 years Pastor jim has had a gun pointed at him twice while ministering the gospel of Jesus. So Lighthouse Mission has agreed to host a "Gun Buy Back" program... The goal is to get guns out of the hands of these troubled kids- NOT out the hands of responsible & legal gun owners. May 11th is the date, from 9am-12pm.. Please keep us in prayer- our pastoral staff will be available to pray & minister with everyone who attends...check out the video for more details.
Here is a very nice article written about getting children involved in serving their community & how Lighthouse Mission encourages families to serve.