Thursday, June 28, 2012

We showed up to the lighthouse Missions street outreach in port jefferson station, shared the Gospel of Jesus & witnessed 10 people give their life to Jesus, we handed out food & Pastor Jim blew bubbles & taught the little children about Jesus & the police never showed up. However a news reporter did because the civic association alerted them to us "breaking the law". After witnessing for themselves the blessing of this outreach I think their perspective has changed.. Even better, a homeless man whom we have been praying for might allow Pastor Jim to take him to Teen Challenge! Please keep praying- I'm sure we have not heard the last from the civic association.
GOT BAIL MONEY? Today is the day that the port jefferson / terryville civic association is expected to have the police stop Pastor jim & the Lighthouse Mission missionaries from sharing the Gospel of Jesus & handing out food to the poor in port jefferson station.. Please keep us in your prayers today. They were always coming to arrest & mess with Jesus so why should we expect anything less?

Excited about the Lighthouse Mission's first canoe trip tomorrow (Thursday 11-3) that will kick off our Summer Youth Programs. Our goal is to offer underprivileged kids an opportunity to get off the streets, do something fun, free & best if all learn about Jesus. Please pray for pastor mike (lighthouse youth pastor) & his team as they lead this group. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Many of you know that the port jefferson station / terryville civic association has been working behind the scenes to have the Lighthouse Mission stop sharing the Gospel of Jesus & handing out food at our port jefferson street outreach. Pastor Jim has reached out to them numerous times without any response except for a threat from a government worker that if we show up on thursday we will be in trouble. Then we saw this article they wrote in a local newspaper (see link). Sadly they have never come to see the people we help. So few are homeless, most are just regular people needing help to get from paycheck to paycheck... Please pray for them as we continue to share the Gospel of Jesus & feed the poor in this area- even though they persecute us we will love them back. Here is the article:
It will take more then a flood to stop Lighthouse Missiin trucks & missionaries from sharing the Gospel of Jesus & feeding the poor. As soon as we finished praying for Jesus to calm the storm the sun came out... Hundreds were blessed!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Here we go again, someone came down to the Lighthouse Missions street outreach in port jefferson station today (while we were handing out food) to threaten us that if we show up next week to give out food & share the Gospel of Jesus we will be in "BIG" trouble. How sad is this? Want to voice your opinion? Go to the port jefferson / terryville civic associations Facebook page & post what them what you think- or e-mail or call. By the way- its going to take more then that to stop Pastor Jim ;-)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Someone standing in the heat at a lighthouse mission street outreach had to be treated by an ambulance because they fainted from the heat! How sad is that? People are fainting from the heat while standing on line for food? This is America right? Please pray for the mission. Funding is way down & the need is way way up- please consider partnering with us of you can. God bless you
While you may be enjoying cool air conditioning today please remember your hurting neighbors that will be standing on line today in the 95+ degree heat & sun hoping for a bag of groceries at todays Lighthouse Mission street outreaches. Sadly, we have very little food to offer them.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My heart broke as I watched people standing on line in the blazing sun hoping to get a few bags of groceries at today's lighthouse mission street outreaches. WE NEED WATER to give to our neighbors waiting for food. Can you help share the love of Jesus by helping collect small water bottles? God bless you.
Local civic & gov groups are starting to pressure the Lighthouse Mission to stop sharing the Gospel of Jesus & feeding the poor in their towns. They are saying that people standing on line waiting for food is making their town look bad? Please keep us in prayer- this has been happening more & more. Anyone have any thoughts or prayers?
Dropping off kids at one of the local homeless shelters after one of our free youth programs.. Thank you to all of you who donate your time at the Lighthouse Mission to model God in Paslm 68:5 being "A father to the fatherless..." - you are making a huge difference in the lives of these poor precious children. God bless you. - pastor jim

Friday, June 15, 2012

Lots & lots of rain the past few days but it has not stopped people from attending Lighthouse Mission street outreaches in need of food. Hundreds & hundreds in fact lined up in the rain today. Thank you to all of our faithful volunteer missionaries that come out each day to help us share the Gospel of Jesus & feed the poor.

Monday, June 11, 2012

There was a lot of hype this weekend for the Convoy of Hope in Nassau county. If you went and enjoyed serving people on the street or did not get to go & would like to help serve in that capacity- why not connect with the Lighthouse Mission? We don't just do one large event each year- we do this every day & you are welcome to help at any of our 10 daily outreach locations.
Just about 100 teenagers attended Lighthouse Missions showing of "to save a life" please keep these teens in your prayers- they are really dealing with some hard issues- that only Jesus can fix.
Please pray for the Lighthouse Mission tonight to save physical & Spiritual lives as we minister to teenagers whom many struggle with suicide. We are going to play a wonderful movie called "to save a life" on our big screen, serve popcorn, soda, hot dogs, etc. & minister to the children. Suicide has become a BIG problem on long island - but with Jesus It can be overcome!

Friday, June 8, 2012

It is a true blessing to see more then 100 kids laughing & singing songs to Jesus at the Lighthouse Missions free Kids Club.. Please pray for these children. So many of them have such hard lives.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

All I need to say about this photo is Thank you JESUS!